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On 21 April, 2011, Mr. Eduard Biriucov, Secretary General of the PS IGC TRACECA had several meetings with the representatives of the TRACECA National Commission in Bucharest, Romania


During the visit, Mr. E. Biriucov met with Mr. Eusebiu Pistru, State Secretary of the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure of Romania, Mr. Ionut Lacusta, TRACECA National Secretary of Romania, Mr. Stefan Tinka, Director General of the Department of Regional Affairs, MFA of Romania.


The Parties discussed issues of further reform of the structures of the IGC TRACECA in the view of the new role of the EU South-Eastern Transport Axis development, considered priority issues of cooperation in the context of development of the international transport corridor “Europe-Caucasus-Asia”, as well as institutional strengthening of the corridor.

Mr. E. Biriucov briefed on the preparation for the Second Investment Forum with the participation of different IFIs and interstate structures, during which the key role will be given to the development of transport infrastructure in the TRACECA region. The Parties emphasized that in this context it is important to establish a dialogue and cooperation of all stakeholders for the implementation of the Forum`s objectives.

The parties also discussed a number of current issues within the TRACECA plan of events for 2011. In particular, Mr. Biriucov stated that the Permanent Secretariat, in close cooperation with the MLA TRACECA member states are actively preparing for the meeting of Permanent Representatives (National Secretaries) of the PS IGC TRACECA, which will be held in early June this year, touched upon the problem issues of the Agenda of the upcoming meeting.

At the meeting, participants also defined the main directions of joint activities aimed at the implementation of the basic provisions of the Basic Multilateral Agreement on International Transport for Development of the Europe-Caucasus-Asia corridor as well as the Strategy of the IGC TRACECA for the period up to 2015 and taking into account the forthcoming chairmanship of Romania in the Intergovernmental Commission TRACECA. 

The Secretary General thanked the Romanian side for its cordial hospitality and expressed his hope for further active and fruitful cooperation within the framework of TRACECA.


Permanent Secretaritat of the IGC TRACECA