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On 20 April 2017, upon the invitation Mr. Vitalie Rapcea, Deputy Minister of Transport and Road Infrastructure met with Mr. Ciopraga, TRACECA Secretary General


During the visit to Moldova, Mr. Rapcea and Mr. Ciopraga discussed the procedural status of Moldova on the accession to the Agreement on development of multimodal transport TRACECA. Moldavian side assured TRACECA Secretary General that the procedures is under completion.

Regarding the implementation of Action Plan of new adopted TRACECA Strategy2016-2026, it is underlined that one of the main factors of successful development of international transport corridor Europe-Caucasus-Asia is the efficient activity and support of TRACECA member states in this direction.

Within the discussion, Mr. Ciopraga and Mr. Rapcea emphasized the necessity of initiating of the new technical assistance projects for benefit of all EU-TRACECA region, strengthening dialogue and communication with European Commission on the new level. 

In addition, Mr. Ciopraga stressed that TRACECA investments made considerable contribution to the enhancement of economic, trade relations and Eurasian transport communications of its member-states.

The investments into infrastructure of the TRACECA corridor make it possible to construct and rehabilitate ports, roads and railways, pipelines, airports, to renovate and improve the transport fleet. 

TRACECA (Transport Corridor Europe-Caucasus-Asia) is an international transport programme involving the European Union and 13 member states of the Eastern European, Caucasian and Central Asian region.


Permanent Secretaritat of the IGC TRACECA