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On 1 October 2015, Brussels, at the Headquarters of the European Commission, Mr. Mircea Ciopraga, TRACECA Secretary General met with Mr. Mathieu Bousquet, Deputy Head of Unit and Mr. Stefaan Bil, Programme Task Manager, DG NEAR


The meeting agenda included the negotiations on several issues regarding further development of the Programme, the projects of road and maritime safety, strategy of communication as well as upcoming Working Group Meeting and Meeting of the National Secretaries of the PS IGC TRACECA.

Discussion touched the main points of the upcoming Meeting and particularly, the venue of the event. The Ukrainian Party suggests holding within the PS IGC TRACECA Meeting a Business Forum regarding transport of goods directed to Eastern Europe and the Baltic countries. In this regard, Mr. Bil has agreed holding the meeting in Kiev, Ukraine.

In addition, Mr Ciopraga and Mr Bil discussed the results of the effective implementation of the completed EC-funded projects in all TRACECA states, including road and maritime safety. European Commission expressed the intention to track the development of the international situation in the context of monitoring the results of technical assistance projects.

Realization of the current TRACECA Strategy Master Plan, developed by LOGMOS II project and continuation of fulfillment of strategy tasks by TRACECA IDEA II Project at its closing stage is very important. In this regard, Mr. Ciopraga expressed its hope for support from European Commission to ensure the necessary level of implementation.


Permanent Secretaritat of the IGC TRACECA