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On 18 February 2016, Mr. Mircea Ciopraga, TRACECA Secretary General met with Mr. David Kutsishvili, National Secretary of TRACECA in Georgia, Deputy Minister of Economy and Sustainable Development


During the meeting, Mr. Ciopraga expressed his congratulations to Mr. Kutsishvili on the appointment of the post of Deputy Minister and National Secretary of the IGC TRACECA in Georgia and wished him success, prosperity and fruitful work during his post.

In the course of the meeting Mr. Ciopraga discussed with Mr. Kutsishvili the ideas and proposals suggested by beneficiary countries concerning the strategic plans and possible projects within the framework of TRACECA program. 

The Parties exchanged views on the possibility to enlarge TRACECA through the accession of new countries to TRACECA and to broaden the routes of the region.

Mr. Kutsishvili expressed its readiness to support the initiatives of the IGC TRACECA for the development of international transport corridor Europe-the Caucasus-Asia as it was during previous years.

Parties also stated that Georgia as a key part of TRACECA corridor has huge potential and future prospects.

In addition, it is mentioned that the issue of realization of legal harmonization in each TRACECA country, including Georgia will be one of the most significant achievements for whole TRACECA region.


Permanent Secretaritat of the IGC TRACECA