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On 18-19th April, Mr. Ciopraga, Secretary General participated to the 4th East Forum Berlin


The East Forum Berlin is the dialogue platform initiated by UniCredit, the Committee on Eastern European Economic Relations (Ost-Ausschuss der Deutschen Wirtschaft) and METRO GROUP and is hosted together with the Federal State of Berlin. For the first time, the German Association of Industry and Commerce (DIHK) and the German Business Federation (BDI) will also join the east forum Berlin as cooperation partners in 2016.

Every year, the East forum Berlin brings together high-ranking opinion leaders from the world of politics and business in the East and West to discuss challenges and opportunities faced by the economic area in the Europe and East region and beyond.

The Agenda of the Forum included discussion on the issues of economic area in transition – shaping the future between Europe and the East, cooperation and competition along the Silk Road: Initiatives of common growth from Europe to Asia, Turning points: Eastern Europe in search of new opportunities.

Within the round-table session Mr. Ciopraga, TRACECA Secretary General addressed the speech to the participants of the Forum and introduced latest activities of TRACECA aimed at encouraging the development and expansion of trade-economic relationship and transport communications between Europe and Asia region. In view of the necessity to realize economic potentials and enhancement of transport infrastructure of the member states TRACECA maintains cooperation with International Financial Institutions and promotes private sector involvement in funding and managing transport projects.

Mr. Ciopraga added that the improvement of transport infrastructure is of primary importance for the TRACECA countries most of which are landlocked countries. Transport networks of many TRACECA countries need modernization and considerable funding. Public funds are not enough for financing such large-scale projects. 

State partnership with private investors for the development of transport infrastructure is becoming a new practice in TRACECA countries.

During the Forum, Mr. Ciopraga had an opportunity to introduce step-by-step activities of TRACECA to Mr. Stephan Steinlein, State Secretary of the Federal Foreign Office of Germany. It was stressed that in accordance with the strategy policy of TRACECA with its partners, support of the initiatives for strengthening of the regional transport dialogue and ensuring effective, reliable international Eurasian transport connections – one of the priority objectives. Mr. Steinlein expressed his interest in detailed presentation on further TRACECA activities within the region.

Mr. Ciopraga shared opinion with Mr. Giuseppe Vita, Chairman of UniCredit on the possibility to find the investments on the future technical assistance projects to be implemented within TRACECA.

Participants and experts of the Forum shared their opinions on the opportunities for deeper cooperation in Eurasia and best practices for strengthening international economic relations.



Permanent Secretaritat of the IGC TRACECA