On 18-19 February 2016, Regional Conference on “TRACECA Road Safety Project Impact and way forward” held in Tbilisi
The speakers of the Conference raised most urgent issues regarding road safety problems and needs of countries in TRACECA region, opportunities and contributions, implementation of UN conventions to improve road safety.
Experts of the TRACECA Road Safety Project underlined 4 sages of implementation strategy: understanding country specific problems, capacity building in key sectors, developing motivation and providing country specific assistance institutionalize road safety activity.
Within presentations, Dr. Alan Ross, Team Leader of the project, Mr. Dejan Jovanov, key expert of the project and Ms. Mariya Ivchenko, Regional Coordinator have stressed the major activities undertaken for development of road safety engineering, safety management, coordination and funding as well as improvement of vehicle safety.
At the Conference Mr. Ciopraga, TRACECA Secretary General outlined that the Project reports and observations show that land transport safety issues in TRACECA countries presently remain urgent and demand immediate and decisive actions from all concerned parties and structures.
In many TRACECA countries the number of deaths because of road accidents remains high, at the same time in some countries the increase of death rates is observed every year.
Mr. Ciopraga expressed hope that further implementation of the Road Safety Action Plan will proceed on the basis of international experience showing that road safety can be achieved only through arranging synergy in all related sectors and all-round support by the governments of the member states of the MLA TRACECA.
It should be noted that EU-funded regional transport project: "TRACECA-Road safety II" was undertaken over the last 2 years Jan 2014 to Jan 2016 and assisted 10 beneficiary countries (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine and Uzbekistan).
Implementation of the TRACECA Regional Road Safety Action Plan within the project by assisting countries to strengthen institutional capacity and to develop and implement country specific road safety action plans to address their road safety problems. This will also ensure that the corridor transport system actively promotes the safety, security and protection of users, property, public and the environment that might be involved in or affected by this system.
Permanent Secretaritat of the IGC TRACECA