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On 16-17 June 2011, in Tbilisi, Georgia, the Secretary General of the Permanent Secretariat IGC TRACECA, Mr. E. Biriucov participated in the 6th (IRU) Euro-Asian Road Transport Conference


The Euro-Asian Road Transport Conference is an important platform for exchange of views on the development of trade and transport communication among the countries situated between Europe and Asia. This year the Euro-Asian Conference was held under the slogan “Road Transport: a connecting link among each enterprise and each mode of transport aong the routes “Europe-Asia”.   Within the framework of the Euro-Asian Conference under joint chairmanship of the Secretary General of the Permanent Secretariat IGC TRACECA, Mr. E. Biriucov, and the Secretary General of IRU, Mr. Martin Marmi there was held a Coordination Meeting of International organizations and finance institutions on Restoration of the Great Silk Road. The aim of the Coordination Meeting, attended by the representatives of the World Bank, European Investment Bank, OSCE, American Chamber of Commerce, etc., is the coordination by international organizations and finance institutions of the activities on development of the Euro-Asian transport links, implementation of infrastructure projects, stimulating institutional reforms and facilitating border crossing.

During the Meeting the participants discussed and appreciated the advance in Euro-Asian transport and trade relations as well as the contribution of international organizations to the development of Euro-Asian routes and road transport. The participants took the opportunity of discussing the challenges faced by international finance institutions during implementation of infrastructure development projects in the Euro-Asian region.

Noting the significance of proceeding the development and reconstruction of the roads, the Meeting participants agreed to give scrupulous consideration to the issues of reforming national systems of international road transportation market regulation, customs and transit, development of auxiliary infrastructure of standard quality and introduction of the best practices in the field of international road transport and border crossing.

Acknowledging the significance of the construction of not only quality roads but also corresponding associated infrastructure that meets current requirements for safety and reliability of cargo traffic, the Meeting supported the Model Highway Initiative elaborated by IRU. The promotion of the Model Highway Initiative will make it possible to solve the complex problems of transport sector of the Euro-Asian countries and to considerably contribute to the development of cargo traffic and tourism in the region.

On the outcomes of the Meeting there was adopted a Declaration and achieved an accommodation on founding an expert group to elaborate decisions on the road transport development in the region. It is planned to hold back-to-back the first Meeting of the Expert Group till the end of 2011 and the Working Group on the implementation of the Concept of Development of International Road Traffic along the Transport Corridor Europe-the Caucasus-Asia, increase of competitiveness and attractiveness of the TRACECA road routes. There was also reached an understanding that the IGC TRACECA and IRU will in the future act as co-organizers of the meetings of the Expert Group.


Permanent Secretaritat of the IGC TRACECA