On 13-15 June 2012 11th International Exhibition TRANS Caspian “Transport Transit Logistics” was held in “Baku EXPO Centre”, Baku, Republic of Azerbaijan
For 11 years the exhibition TRANSCASPIAN became an important transport forum in the region making it possible to demonstrate innovative technologies and equipment for transport industry, to open new representative offices, to establish joint ventures.

TRACECA Materials;

Mr. Ziya Mammadov, Minister of Transport of Azerbaijan_Ms Iuliana Stasiuc, Head of Group of Experts of PS IGC TRACECA;

H.E. Mr. Igor Bodiu, Ambassador Extraordinary & Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Moldova_Ms Iuliana Stasiuc, Head of Group of Experts of PS IGC TRACECA;

Delegation of Kazakhstan_PS IGC TRACECA Experts;

Mr Vasif Gasimov, representative of "Korpu-Bina-Tikinti"_Ms Samira_Rafizade, PR Expert of the PS IGC TRACECA;

Ms Marika Nardaraia,representative of Poti APM Terminals_Ms Samira_Rafizade, PR Expert of the PS IGC TRACECA;

Mr Anar Ismayil,Land Transport Expert introducing TRACECA Atlas
Common display space gathers serious exhibitors, including the PS IGC TRACECA, as well as logistical operators, carriers, railway, shipping and air transport companies, shipbuilding and road-building companies, distributors of commercial transport, ports and many other transport enterprises.
Being an official TRANSCASPIAN supporting side TRACECA has over many years participated in this leading event of Azerbaijan: International Exhibition for Transport, Transit and Logistics. In our opinion, the arrangement of this annual exhibition exactly reflects the tendency of the transport system development both of its separate components and – on the whole, demonstrating changes of the requirements to transport services.
Within the framework of a three-day exhibition TRANSCASPIAN 2012 the stand of TRACECA was visited by Mr. Ziya Mamedov, Minister of Transport of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the representatives of the Embassies of the TRACECA member-states in the MLA Parties, as well as the interested diplomatic representations, shipping operators, mass media representatives, the invited guests and many others. The exhibition participants were informed of the recent progress within TRACECA, the IGC TRACECA Strategy for the period up to 2015, the organized Investment Forums, the on-going and future TRACECA projects, and the steps taken towards further development.
This year the TRACECA exhibits – “TRACECA Investment Manual”, a new “TRACECA Atlas”, as well as the updated brochures attracted attention of visitors, enjoyed popularity among professionally interested participants and gathered positive response of logistic operators, railway, shipping and air transport companies, insurance and customs brokers, shipbuilding and road-building companies, commercial transport distributors and many other enterprises in the transport field.
On the outcomes the exhibition organizers presented a certificate of gratitude to the Permanent Secretariat of the IGC TRACECA for support, participation and many years of cooperation.
Permanent Secretaritat of the IGC TRACECA