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On 08 November 2017, upon official invitation of Mr. Ciopraga, TRACECA Secretary General, H.E. Mr. Rustam Soli, Ambassador of the Republic of Tajikistan visited Headquarter of the PS IGC TRACECA


The visit aimed at discussion of the further development and plan of activities within TRACECA Action Plan for 2017-2019.

Mr. Ciopraga and H.E. Mr. Soli exchanged opinions on the necessity of ensuring sustainable development and effective improvement on the corridor which is of great importance for Tajikistan. The parties stressed an active role of Tajikistan and the efforts made within the TRACECA development in the region.   

H.E. Mr. Soli expressed his interest to Mr. Ciopraga to get familiar with the ideas and proposals of the countries concerning the upcoming Third TRACECA Investment Forum. 

In view of discussion Third TRACECA Investment Forum, to be held in Yerevan, the Republic of Armenia, H.E. Mr. Soli and Mr. Ciopraga stressed the priority projects, proposed by Tajikistan and to be considered during the Forum.

Mr. Ciopraga mentioned that during his official visit to the Republic of Tajikistan and meeting with Mr. Davlatali Said, Chairman of TRACECA and First Deputy Prime Minister in the Republic of Tajikistan, Mr. Said informed about 8 international corridors that pass through the territory of the Republic of Tajikistan. 3 investment projects are implemented within the framework of the international transport corridor (ITC) TRACECA and for the development of logistics it is scheduled to implement 7 more infrastructure transport projects in the future when financing is found. 

Taking into account the success of the former Investment Forums, held on 2010 and 2012 as well as the interest of the countries in further development of the transport corridor Europe-the Caucasus-Asia, Mr. Ciopraga emphasized the positive signal to continue the dialogue between TRACECA member-countries and potential investors.

H.E. Mr. Soli shared with Mr. Ciopraga the information on the Free Economic Zones (FEZ) in Tajikistan, particularly FEZ in "Panj" and FEZ in “Dangara”. FEZ in "Panj" shares borders with the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, Republic of China, Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan. The Dangara FEZ is located in the south of Tajikistan in the Hatlon Oblast, 90 kms south of the capital Dushanbe. Dangara is a regional centre with over 120 thousand inhabitants. The administration of Dangara FEZ, with its infrastructure, is best positioned to implement high-tech investment projects. The objectives of creating free economic zones were to stimulate the development of Tajikistan's economic potential by attracting investment while implementing best management practices and expected to boost economic cooperation with foreign countries, the creation of modern engineering and transport, telecommunications, industrial and social infrastructure and employment in different sectors.  

Special focus within the subject of the meeting was made on the issue of granting the observer status to the Hellenic Republic in the Intergovernmental Commission TRACECA. Mr. Ciopraga noted that the PS IGC TRACECA received approved consent from 12 TRACECA member-states and still waiting for the respond from the Republic of Tajikistan. 

Among important cases within TRACECA activities, Mr. Ciopraga and H.E. Mr. Soli also touched the issues of the status of accession of Afghanistan to TRACECA as full member, signed Memorandum of Understanding between PS IGC TRACECA and SRCIC, active cooperation with international, regional organizations, including UNOHRLLS, CAREC, Crans Montana Forum and efforts of the Permanent Secretariat to attract International Financial Institutions for funding infrastructure projects. 


Permanent Secretaritat of the IGC TRACECA