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Mr. Mircea Ciopraga, TRACECA Secretary General and Mr. Satlik Satlikov, Vice Prime minister of Turkmenistan in charge for transport field exchanged views on the issues of transport infrastructure in Ashgabat


On 4th May 2016, within the official visit to Ashgabat, Mr. Ciopraga and Mr. Satlikov underlined the investments allocated to the development and improvement of the attractiveness to the road, railway transport and ensuring flow of goods through Turkmenistan and region covered by TRACECA corridor.

In addition, Mr. Satlikov mentioned the activities of Turkmenistan in TRACECA Programme and also noted that the accession of Turkmenistan to the Basic Multilateral Agreement (MLA) TRACECA is under consideration.

In his turn, Mr. Ciopraga assured Mr. Satlikov in full support of TRACECA Permanent Secretariat for any assistance regarding the step-by-step procedures of the accession of Turkmenistan to MLA TRACECA.

At the same time, Mr. Satlikov informed Mr. Ciopraga on the latest efforts of Turkmenistan to include its part within the North-South and East-West corridors.


Permanent Secretaritat of the IGC TRACECA