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Mr. Mircea Ciopraga, TRACECA Secretary General and H.E. Mr. Humayoon Rasaw, Minister of Commerce and Industries of Afghanistan exchanged views on the issues of transport network in Afghanistan


On 15 November 2017, within the official visit to Ashgabat and participation to RECCA VII Conference, Mr. Ciopraga and H.E. Mr. Rasaw underlined the issue of investment opportunities allocated to the development and improvement of the attractiveness to the road, railway transport and ensuring flow of goods through Turkmenistan to Afghanistan and region covered by TRACECA corridor.

Overall the top-level talks focused on the regional and bilateral cooperation. Particular attention in this regard was paid to the Turkmenistan-Afghanistan relations and its meaningful role was highlighted.

H.E. Mr. Rasaw and Mr. Ciopraga mentioned that construction of the railway from Turkmenistan to Afghanistan, the section of Atamyrat-Ymamnazar-Akina of the Asian transnational line was completed last year and it will create additional possibilities of increasing the volumes of the mutual trade in the region.

At the same time, Mr. Ciopraga and H.E. Mr. Rasaw exchanged views on the latest status of accession of Afghanistan to TRACECA and Mr. Ciopraga expressed hopefulness on receiving corresponding Note from MFA Iran to MFA Afghanistan in upcoming 2018 on positive consent of accession of Afghanistan to TRACECA as full member.


Permanent Secretaritat of the IGC TRACECA