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Mr. Eduard Biriucov, Secretary General of the PS IGC TRACECA participated in the International Transport Forum 2011 “Transport for Society” held on 25-27 May 2011 in Leipzig, Germany


International Transport Forum (ITF) has become a major annual event at the level of Transport Ministers of the ITF member countries, which main objective is the deepening of the understanding of the most important social and economic role of transport. It acts as a platform for the promotion of transport policies and practices to ensure the contribution of transport to economic growth, environmental protection, social integration, protection of human life and welfare. The most important activities in its work are the annual summit of the ITF and the Research Center.

Mr. Biriucov during the ITF

Discussion on ITF

It should be mentioned that each year the final summit of the ITF becomes a place of live exchange of ideas on recent developments and future transport trends in the international transport of the participating countries and the needs of infrastructure development and implementation of European transport policy, the integration of Central and Eastern Europe into the European transport market.

In 2011 the ITF summit was attended by ministers of transport of more than 50 countries, including the TRACECA member countries, representatives of nongovernmental and international organizations, as well as leading researchers and business leaders, thus providing direct influence on the development of transport policy, both at national and international levels.

Within the framework of the ITF agenda there was discussion of wide range of topics related to the role of transport in society: equal access to transportation, transport, health and ecology, safety, employment, and issues of global mobility. The discussions also addressed the restructuring of multilateral quota of the European Conference of Ministers of Transport (ECMT) on freight by road transport.

One of the key moments of the ITF was the election of the Secretary General and on the results of which Mrs. Carole Coune, representative from Belgium was elected.

During the summit, several discussions were held on transport issues, problems of e-security, needs of citizens while transport planning, gender issues, health, etc.



Permanent Secretaritat of the IGC TRACECA