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Mr. Ciopraga TRACECA Secretary General and H.E. Mr. Chiril Gaburici, Minister of Economy and Infrastructure discussed the possibility of increasing the number of TRACECA permits for the international road transport


H.E. Mr. Chiril Gaburici mentioned that the Republic of Moldova requested TRACECA member states permission to join the TRACECA Multimodal Transport Development Agreement.

The Minister also stressed hope that Moldova could benefit from the 500 international road transport permits, which will create attractive conditions for the development of transports along the TRACECA corridor, including improving the transport infrastructure.

Within the Meeting, the parties mentioned that for 2017 and 2018, Moldova's quota constituted 230 authorizations/permits. To increase the effectiveness of the TRACECA system for international road transport at the 13th meeting of the TRACECA Intergovernmental Commission, the participating countries recognized the need to increase the number of authorizations to around 500 for each country.

The TRACECA Intergovernmental Commission ensures effective and reliable transport links between Euro-Asia and promotes the development of regional transport dialogue. The TRACECA corridor contributes to the development of trade and economy, and major traffic flows pass through a corridor formed in Western and Central Europe, as well as in Central and Southeast Asia.

Mr. Ciopraga mentioned that the Republic of Moldova could benefit, starting 1 January 2019, from a larger number of permits for the international road transport of goods. It also specified that appropriate amendments are to be included in the TRACECA Multilateral Permits Technical User Guide" elaborated for transport operators. 

At the same time, TRACECA Secretary General invited the Minister of the Economy and Infrastructure to participate in the Third TRACECA Investment Forum, to be held in Bucharest in May 2019, when Romania will hold the EU presidency. Within the discussion of the participants of the meeting the Minister mentioned about the feasibility study for construction of a new railway line based on EU standards (1,435) Chisinau - Ungheni (Romanian border). Currently Republic of Moldova is using the 1520mm track gauge and the only line operated for passenger transport to EU is the Chisinau-Ungheni line. The implementation of this project will have implications for economic and social development of the country and expansion of cultural and economic ties with neighboring Romania. Thus, Moldova will be integrated into the European space of 1435mm track gauge and will have access to the European rail transport corridors. The new line will bring traffic conditions closer to European requirements.

At present, the TRACECA countries implement the "Multilateral Agreement on International Transport for the Development of the Europe-Caucasus-Asia Corridor" on the implementation of the IGC TRACECA decisions and recommendations, the implementation of the Strategy for the development of the transport corridor "Europe-Caucasus-Asia" for the period 2016-2026, as well as the creation of a sustainable infrastructure network to ensure multimodal transport with integration into the Trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T) corridors. 

It should be mentioned that at the moment TRACECA comprises transport systems of 13 member-states. The Republic of Moldova joined TRACECA Programme in 1999.


Currently not available


Permanent Secretaritat of the IGC TRACECA