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Meaningful role of Turkmenistan in building up the scale of transit traffic in the region


On 4th May 2016 During the official visit to Turkmenistan, Mr. Ciopraga had official meetings with Mr. Maksat Aydogdyyev, Minister of Motor Transport of Turkmenistan and Mr. Merdan Geldymuradov, Deputy Head of freight transport department, Ministry of Railways Transport.

During the discussion with Mr. Maksat Aydogdyyev and Mr. Merdan Geldymuradov, Mr. Ciopraga dwelled upon the issues of TRACECA current activities, including the development of international road and railway transport, introduced TRACECA aims and objectives, historical events and achievements of the past as well as the future plans to the participants of the meeting. 

Mr. Ciopraga, Secretary General of TRACECA pointed out the meaningful role of Turkmenistan in building up the scale of transit traffic in the region, development of the transport network in whole and participation in mutually beneficial projects with the view of ensuring economic independence of the country as one of the priority strategy viewpoints of Turkmenistan.   

Mr. Ciopraga emphasized that Turkmenistan situated at the road junction of main freight transport routes of the Eurasian region contributes significantly to the development of mutually beneficial economic ties between countries and regions, and – to the enhancement of freight and passenger flows transit. 

Having all necessary resources and potential of international standard Mr. Ciopraga and Mr. Aydogdyyev stated that Turkmenistan strengthens its role as an important “intersection” and route of goods movement along the Great Silk Road.


Permanent Secretaritat of the IGC TRACECA