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Kyrgyzstan seeks to expand international economic relations and, consequently, to create a modern transport infrastructure


On March 06, 2020, during the official visit to the Kyrgyz Republic, Mr. Asset Assavbayev, Secretary General of the PS IGC TRACECA met with Mr. Zhanat Beishenov, Minister of Transport and Roads, heads of structural and subordinate organizations of the Ministry of Transport and Roads, as well as Mr. Adylbek Akmatov, Permanent Representative (National Secretary) of the PS IGC TRACECA in the Kyrgyz Republic.

During the meeting with the Minister, Mr. Asset Assavbayev, TRACECA Secretary General said that the Permanent Secretariat of the IGC TRACECA is currently at the stage of initiating and implementing new projects and initiatives. In particular, the digitalization of the TRACECA corridor, the development of BCPs assessment system based on the TRACECA Guide for Border Crossing, the use of an integrated border control system, and the application of electronic document management system.  

In this context, discussions with TRACECA countries, determining positions and their support is the starting point for further steps in the successful implementation of the mentioned projects. 

During the meeting, particular attention was paid to the volume of traffic performed by road. “Being the main mode of transport, 98% of freight traffic in Kyrgyzstan is carried by road transport”, the Minister emphasized. 

An exchange of views was also devoted to the economic advantages of railway transport in Kyrgyzstan. In particular, Mr. Beishenov shared information about the ongoing work on the construction of the Trans – Asian railway Kashgar (China) – Torugart-Jalal-Abad (Kyrgyzstan). Kyrgyzstan will gain its main advantage in the international market with the construction of this branch.  

During the meeting, Mr. Beishenov also informed that in order to attract container transport, a decision to amend the law of the Kyrgyz Republic on multimodal transport was made.

Discussions on the resumption of cooperation with the European Union, the implementation of technical assistance projects, and the modernization of transport infrastructure were included in the agenda items of the meeting between the Secretary General and the Minister. Kyrgyzstan is interested in receiving support of the European Union in terms of rendering technical assistance on various topics in the aviation sector.   

On the outcomes of the exchange of views with the Association of International Road Transport Operators of the Kyrgyz Republic (AIRTO), the TRACECA Secretary General also familiarized with the online tracking system of vehicles transporting goods under the TIR system. Representatives of AIRTO expressed their readiness to provide data on problem areas based on the results of transportation.


Permanent Secretaritat of the IGC TRACECA