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Iran plays major part among 13 member-states of the IGC TRACECA


On 31 August 2016, Mr. Ciopraga had an official interview with Iranian Press and within his interview, Mr. Ciopraga shared the opinion on his tour and sites visited during his official visit to Iran.

In order to survey ways to increase the TRACECA cooperation with Iran through “Iranian capital of maritime trade” Mr. Ciorpaga visited Shahid Rajaie Port, ibn Bandar Abbas located in Hormozgan Province. Shahid Rajaie port is Iran`s biggest container port.

More than 1,370 vessels berthed there during the first four months of the current Iranian year that started in March, indicating an 8% increase compared with last year’s corresponding period. Handling of close to 700,000 TEUs (twenty-foot equivalent unit) during the period indicates a 27% rise.

Moreover, within the meeting with Mr. Ebrahim Idani, General Director and Mr. Ali A. Saidipour, General Director Deputy, representatives of the Ports and Maritime Organization of Hormozgan province, it was mentioned that a total of 26.6 million tons of oil and non-oil products were handled at the port during the four-month period, registering a 32% increase, while more than 3 million tons of oil and 11.4 million tons of non-oil products were exported, showing a 62% and 70% rise respectively.

Mr. Ciorpaga informed that he had an opportunity to meet with Mr. Mohsen Pour Seyyed Aqaei, CEO of the Islamic Republic of Iran Railways. It was stressed that there is a need to eliminate red tape to reduce transit time between TRACECA member states.

Mr. Ciorpaga said that International Transport Corridor Europe-Caucasus-Asia (TRACECA) has been introduced as a route with less expense and time to connect Central Asian Republics to world markets and European ports. The most important point in this concern is to decrease time for transporting goods in this corridor.

There is a good opportunity to invite Iran to join the Agreement on the Development of Multimodal Transport, because Iran has good status for cooperation in multilateral transport.

It should be mentioned TRACECA made every effort and use every opportunity to reduce the bureaucracy, eliminate of customs obstacles and to create a collection of identical documents for members of corridor. 


Permanent Secretaritat of the IGC TRACECA