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Introduction of the South part of the Republic of Azerbaijan to official representatives accredited in Baku: trip to the town of Lenkoran and around Astara Province


On 27 November 2018, upon the official invitation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan all diplomatic representatives accredited in the Republic of Azerbaijan, including TRACECA diplomatic mission has been on the get-to-know visit to south part of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

In particular, the invited diplomatic representatives have been introduced with the town of Lenkoran and Astara Province, the local social and economic projects for the purposes of promotion the economy and tourism field. 

The trip had been attended nearly 70 diplomats of diplomatic mission, accredited in the Republic of Azerbaijan. 

The programme of the trip was full of positive developments and introductory adventures, particularly, Heydar Aliyev Centre and the Heydar Aliyev Park in Lenkoran Province, the Lenkoran Olympic Sports Centre, Azerkhalcha OJSC, Yashilchay LLC, the State Agrarian Development Centre of Lenkoran of the Ministry of Agriculture, Astarachay LLC and the local recreation and health centres and etc. 

Mr. Mircea Ciopraga, Secretary General of the PS IGC TRACECA had convenient opportunity for the exchange of opinions with various representatives of the relevant authorities, located in the south part of the region.



Permanent Secretaritat of the IGC TRACECA