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Integration and Cooperation in the field of Transit Traffic is the Guarantee of Success of Economic Progress in the Region


On 3-5 November 2014, in Vienna, Austria there was held the Second United Nations Conference on Landlocked Developing Countries. The Conference was attended by the representatives of the member states of the United Nations Organization and members of the European Union specialized institutions; representatives of intergovernmental organizations and other entities.

The participants of the Conference presented a comprehensive assessment of the implementation of the Almaty Programme of Actions laying the foundation for new partnership relationship between the landlocked developing countries, transit developing countries and their partners in the field of development at the national, bilateral, sub-regional, regional and global levels.

During the panel high-level discussion there was held an interactive discussion on the role and significance of the regional integration and cooperation for the development of transit traffic. In particular, there were pointed out measures and recommendations regarding the policy of meeting the special needs within new global framework for the purpose of cooperation between the landlocked developing countries.

In the field of transit traffic simplification there were heard the reports on the improvement of transport infrastructure and trade facilitation, creation of favourable environment by governments and multilateral agencies for attraction of foreign investments and business growth.
Mister E. Biriucov, Secretary General of TRACECA emphasized that harmonization of policy and transit traffic is very important for promotion of integration of the landlocked developing countries with the regional networks, increasing their competitiveness and access to the sea ports, increasing market access and getting benefit from globalization.

The achievement of freight traffic effectiveness in the region is possible through decreasing transport expenses and traffic time especially at the border crossing points. Taking into consideration the fact that 8 out of 13 TRACECA member states are landlocked countries, the improvement of the transit system is decisive for the TRACECA corridor.

The participants of the discussion underlined that combined efforts of the involved countries as well as mobilization, assistance and support by the international community will ensure success in the implementation of the assigned tasks.



Permanent Secretaritat of the IGC TRACECA