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Implementation of effective mechanisms in state-to-state communication is significant factor for regional cooperation


On 21-23 November 2017, in Istanbul, Turkey, Mr. Ciopraga, TRACECA Secretary General, officially invited to the 33rd Ministerial Session of the COMCEC of Standing Committee for Economic and Commercial Cooperation of the OIC pointed out main achievements made within the TRACECA programme and efforts made for strengthening regional cooperation.

Ministerial Session of COMCEC created opportunities and has been good platform for involved participants and interested parties for exchange of opinions underlining the significance of utilizing the potential and all the existing means of the OIC region properly. “Economic Impacts of Transport Corridors”, “Developing Special Transport Corridors” “Private Sector Perspective on Transnational Transport Corridors”, “Governance of Transnational Transport Corridor, A Managerial Perspective “COMCEC Project Funding: Experiences of the Project Owners” were among the special sessions and interactive discussion.

In this dimension, the international transport corridor TRACECA with its existing potential in the Eurasian region and the objectives underlying this 33rd Ministerial Session will undoubtedly bring closer to the realization of one of the most important tasks -  interregional integration of the neighboring regions with the global and sustainable development in socio-economic field and effective influence on transit-transport system.

During the Ministerial Session of COMCEC, H.E. Mr. Elvan, Minister of Development of the Republic of Turkey and Mr. Ciopraga, TRACECA Secretary General emphasized the importance of continuation of further launch of technical and investment projects needed for member-states of the MLA TRACECA and improvement of multilateral dialogue among decision makers in the region.

In his turn, Mr. Ciopraga stressed the success of the former Investment Forums, held on 2010 and 2012 as well as vivid interest of the countries in further development of the transport corridor Europe-the Caucasus-Asia and the positive signal to continue the dialogue between TRACECA member-countries and potential investors.

H.E. Mr. Elvan and Mr. Ciopraga mentioned that at the moment special attention is paid to the state-of-the-art technologies of carriage applying advanced transport-logistic schemes of freight transport in the region as well as public and private infrastructure investments that significantly can improve transport and logistics services. 

During the meeting, Mr. Ciopraga expressed his gratitude to H.E. Mr. Elvan for constant support and effective collaboration between the Permanent Secretariat and the Ministry of Development of the Republic of Turkey, the Ministry of Transport, Maritime Affairs and Communications of Turkey as well as to the TRACECA representatives, leading experts from Turkey for their professional skills for the benefit and contribution for the development of whole Europe-the Caucasus-Asia region.

The meeting also included exchange of opinions on the issue of the signature of Memorandum of Understanding between PS IGC TRACECA and Chinese Silk Road Chamber of International Commerce, signed in Xian, China on 8 September 2017.   


Permanent Secretaritat of the IGC TRACECA