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Hungary as one of the potential countries for attracting to the ITC in order to expand the TRACECA geography


On September 11, 2020, during web-conference, Mr. Asset Assavbayev, Secretary General of the PS IGC TRACECA shared plans to expand the TRACECA geography with H. E. Mr. Viktor Szederkenyi, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Hungary to the Republic of Azerbaijan.

The Secretary General outlined the main plans for the work of TRACECA for the coming period, priority areas for enhancing work with the MLA TRACECA member states. Mr. Assavbayev noted the interaction with the European Commission, improvement and strengthening of the dialogue with IFIs, potential investors, beneficiaries of the programme, partners within the framework of the signed memoranda, as well as the expansion of the TRACECA geography as one of the implementation mechanisms.

Among the priority areas for the development of the corridor, the Secretary General emphasized the containerization of cargo and the purposeful work carried out by the PS to eliminate the “bottlenecks”.

In order to attract cargo flows to the TRACECA corridor, a review of the competitiveness of container transport in TRACECA countries was implemented, demonstrating the necessity to establish a single procedure for determining tariffs.

The Permanent Secretariat, together with the TRACECA countries, is actively working on the issue of harmonization of tariff rates. “The expected cargo turnover in 2020 will amount to approximately 65 million tons”, added the Secretary General.

In his turn, the Ambassador expressed his appreciation for the interest shown in involving Hungary in the transport dialogue within the framework of TRACECA activities.  Hungary has a fairly extensive transport network and being in the centre of Europe has a number of advantages over other European countries, maintains agreements on complex and railway transport within the Visegrad Four (Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary).  Transport provides about 5% of the country's GDP.

Along with the necessity to harmonize the single through tariffs, the Ambassador noted that different countries (the EU members, the CIS members) have various obligations in the framework of bilateral and multilateral agreements.

Projects such as the Silk Road (One Belt, One Road) Initiative from China to Europe, the TITR project, and facilitation of the border crossing procedures are those areas that make the corridor more competitive and attractive for cargo carriers.

On the outcomes of exchange of opinions, Mr. Assavbayev and Mr. Szederkenyi expressed hope for expanding cooperation on the issues of mutual interest.


Permanent Secretaritat of the IGC TRACECA