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Expert Group meeting aimed to strengthen the Asia-Europe connectivity in cooperation with TRACECA European Programme


On 9th-11th September 2015 Mr. Ciopraga, TRACECA Secretary General participated in ASEM (Asia and Europe Meeting) Symposium on “Eurasia Transport and Logistics Network”, Seoul, Republic of Korea.

Mr. Ciopraga during ASEM Symposium on Eurasia Transport and Logistics Network

The symposium aimed to diagnose issues and share solutions to build a seamless network, to establish a working group platform and to achieve for continuous cooperation in envisioning the Eurasia Transport & Logistics Network construction.

During ASEM Symposium, Mr. Ciopraga emphasized the role of development of transport corridor from Europe to China, via the Black Sea, the Caucasus, the Caspian Sea and Central Asia. TRACECA continuously perform the activity attracting key experts to the development of transport communication and logistics services between two economic areas of the Eurasian continent – Europe and South-Eastern Asia through TRACECA routes. Secretary General also mentioned that in close cooperation with EU the issue of effective implementation of TRACECA completed projects and Master Plan (a strategic document of TRACECA development for the next 7-year) are in the focus of current discussions.

Within the framework of Symposium, for the purposes of strengthening cooperation for Eurasia’s integrated transport and logistics network, in order to recognize the obstacles in transport modes that connects Europe and Asia, to organize and operate a Eurasia Experts’ Working Group (Expert Group) for ensuring continued discussions and cooperation, Chairs of the ASEM member-countries drafted the text of Seoul Declaration.

The Declaration stated to create the Expert Group will consist of two working groups under the Senior Officials’ Meeting which will be held annually, and the venue and schedule thereof will be linked to the biennial ASEM Transport Ministers’ Meeting. In addition, it was stated that Expert Group meeting aimed to strengthen the Asia-Europe connectivity, to discuss measures for cooperation by country for establishment of an integrated transport and logistics network, maintenance of transport infrastructure and financing by transport mode, strategies to link different logistics systems, discovery of joint projects in close cooperation with the international and regional organizations, including TRACECA. 

On the outcomes of Symposium, Seoul Declaration were adopted where TRACECA were included as a partner to the list of the main international and regional organizations and ASEM member-countries.


Permanent Secretaritat of the IGC TRACECA