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EU and TRACECA discussions: exchange of opinions on the possibilities of cooperation within region of Central Asia


On 14 November 2019, Brussels, Mr. Mircea Ciopraga, TRACECA Secretary General and Mr. Peter Burian, Ambassador EU Special Representative for Central Asia had an official bilateral meeting within the Seneca Final Conference organized by Trans European Policy Studies Association (TEPSA).

Mr. Ciopraga stressed that since TRACECA was launched under the initiative of European Union in 1993, the necessity to continue strengthening the relations with the European Commission and member-countries of TRACECA region retains its relevance and significance.

Mr. Burian and Mr. Ciopraga discussed matters of common interest as well as areas of cooperation and its multidimensional character, including cooperation in the economy, energy and transport fields in Central Asian region, as well as in the field of sustainable development. 

Mr. Ciopraga also stated about the huge efforts of the PS IGC TRACECA to strengthen the communication with the European Commission and its related structures (DG NEAR, DG MOVE), to resume the cooperation on the attraction of investments to TRACECA region via various platform – EU China Connectivity Platform, to promote transport dialogue through One Belt –One Road Initiative with TRACECA partners in China. In particular, signature of the Memorandum of Understanding with Silk Road Chamber of International Commerce (SRCIC).

At the same time, it was mentioned that up to now within TRACECA Programme, EU financed 85 projects to the total amount of 187 million euros. More than 40% of this budget was utilized for the development of transport infrastructure of the TRACECA corridor.

Taking into account feasibility study and monitoring researches in the region, Ambassador Peter Burian and Mr. Ciopraga stressed current situation with technical assistance, investment and infrastructure projects and possible financing by European Commission within Central Asia. 


Permanent Secretaritat of the IGC TRACECA