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Effective Infrastructure - one of Major Solutions of Transport Problems Spectrum


International Black Sea Transport Forum held on 16-18 October 2013, in Odessa, Ukraine was focused on the principles of further development of the Black Sea region transport systems in view of its specific feature – the geographic situation on the intersection of transnational traffic flows, as well as the availability of the developed infrastructure of sea, river and land transport.

The Transport Forum gave renewed impetus to the development of the transport industry from the point of view of demonstrating the potential of not only Ukrainian but the leading transport companies as well, with the view of creating favourable conditions for cooperation, improving the investment climate and developing market relations.

Special attention was given to a whole spectrum of transport problems – structural and infrastructure, logistical and others. In this connection Mr. Eduard Biriucov, Secretary General of TRACECA noted that many completed TRACECA projects are interrelated with the concept of viability and development of the transport corridor and its infrastructure, such as “Harmonization of Border Crossing Procedures”, “Unified Policy on Transit Fees and Tariffs”, “Common Legal Basis for Transit Transportations”.

Presently within the framework of implementation of TRACECA Technical Assistance Project “Logistics Processes and Motorways of the Sea II” (LOGMOS) it is planned to estimate an optimal alternative for logistics centres chain, to prepare proposals on their infrastructure (warehouses, information systems, etc.). On the basis of the Project recommendations the TRACECA member states will lay the foundation for transport logistics centres. In the course of implementation of the EC TRACECA Technical Assistance Project ”Transport Dialogue and Networks Interoperability –IDEA II” there are scheduled the activities regarding the attraction of investments and organization of expert groups, providing due synergy with the stakeholders. 

The creation of International Logistics Centres in a separate country is meant to have a positive impact on the national economic development as well as to reduce direct and indirect costs of freight transportation and distribution, and the last but not least – to fulfill export potential of each country. In this respect Ukraine has a huge potential which must be used to a full measure. The availability of the developed network of road and railway communications, inland waterways and powerful port infrastructure should be emphasized.

It should be noted that the development of the shortest transport communications between the Baltic Sea and the Black Sea by example of the container-contrailer railway train “Viking” in the direction Ilychevsk-Klaipeda and its further extension to the countries of the South Caucasus and Central Asia is a concrete sample of a perspective project which in its turn stipulates active development.

In the context of container transport development in the Black Sea region utilizing related transport modes with ferry transport being of primary importance, the Permanent Secretariat prepared the draft new Technical Annex to the Basic Agreement on Fundamental Principles of Railway –Ferry Terminals Operation on the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea. This draft document is in the process of agreement with the countries.



Permanent Secretaritat of the IGC TRACECA