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Effective implementation of TRACECA projects in focus of discussion of all TRACECA states, including Bulgaria


On 9th February 2016 Mr. Ciopraga, TRACECA Secretary General met with the representatives of TRACECA National Secretariat and Ministry of Transport, Information Technology and Communications: Mr. Dimitar Savov, National Secretary of the PS IGC TRACECA to Bulgaria, Mrs. Tsvetelin Ilieva-Yordanova, Head of Department in Road Vehicles and Drivers Directorate, Mrs Ivanka Georgieva Head of International, Bilateral and Regional Cooperation Department.

The meeting agenda included the negotiations on the issues regarding further implementation of EU-TRACECA projects in the field of road transport, infrastructure and investments to be allocated for the implementation of the infrastructure projects. 

During the meeting Mr Savov outlined that road transport is the most widespread mode of passenger and freight transport which covers 20 thousand km, including more than 800 km of motorways. There are registered more than 3 million motor vehicles in Bulgaria. Annually road transport carries more than 20 million tons of goods.  

Mrs. Yordanova mentioned that Bulgarian road infrastructure is quickly improving and will soon become largely compatible with the one of the European Union. Most major roads have been renovated already and a country wide system of highways is under construction. With the country's accession to the European Union, access to EU infrastructure funds is available resulting in rapid improvements of the entire Bulgarian road network.

The participants of the meeting expressed their opinions on the legal status of participation of Bulgaria, Romania and Turkey in the TRACECA technical assistance projects as indirect beneficiaries and possible options to change the attitude of definition of an “indirect beneficiary”.





Permanent Secretaritat of the IGC TRACECA