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Development of the transport infrastructure of TRACECA member-states as a key point within the orbit of modern logistic networks


On 16-17 November 2016, Azerbaijan hosted Infrastructure, Power and Renewable Energy Investment Conference with participation of representatives of recognized large industry operators, IFIs, project owners, and SMEs involved in these sectors along with contractors, consultants and other solution providers.

Two-day Conference was dedicated to the discussion and exchange ideas on the Azerbaijan`s vision of Caspian Grand Hub, Renewable Plan 2020, transport infrastructure and logistics, new technologies and innovative solutions, power infrastructure, increasing potential of the Region, best practices in project financing.

The most interested persons, representatives of international organizations and key players of the energy sector gathered to outline business opportunities in renewable energy sector, perspectives and pathways of renewable energy generation in Azerbaijan.

The Conference featured addresses by distinguished keynote speakers, including Mr. Mircea Ciopraga, TRACECA Secretary General and provided a platform to share their views, experiences and expertise.

During the statement, Mr. Ciopraga underlined that the aim of TRACECA is to create the platform for closer cooperation of all TRACECA countries, including Azerbaijan, consolidation of joint transport and transit dialogue and regional development of TRACECA at the political level.

The key measures of TRACECA further development are defined in the TRACECA Master Plan for 7-year period, the document which served the basis for the Strategy for development of the international transport corridor Europe-the Caucasus-Asia for the period 2016-2026, unanimously adopted by the TRACECA member states at the recent Twelfth Meeting of the Intergovernmental Commission TRACECA held on 1 June 2016, in Odessa, Ukraine.

In addition, Mr. Ciopraga stressed that TRACECA investments made considerable contribution to the enhancement of economic, trade relations and Eurasian transport communications of its member-states. The investments into infrastructure of the TRACECA corridor make it possible to construct and rehabilitate ports, roads and railways, pipelines, airports, to renovate and improve the transport fleet.

It should be mentioned that Euroconvention Conferences is an independent body and has been collaborating over the years with the European Commission and most of the International Financial Institutions, on some of the major matters related to the EU economical and financial integration like the ECU and later on the EURO, the Enlargement process and the EU Mediterranean co-operation.

Over the years, the Euroconvention Conferences has provided a unique annual platform for senior officials from the Commission, European Governments, Central Banks, Regulators and leading financial sector trade associations, alongside specialist participants from the private sector.

It gives an opportunity for interaction between the top market experts - from Iceland in the North, to Turkey in the East. As the Euro-Zone of Western Europe has evolved in the past decade, the spotlight has been turning increasingly on the experience of these new Europe markets.


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Permanent Secretaritat of the IGC TRACECA