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Development of Regional Dialogue between TRACECA and Turkmenistan will Contribute to Strengthening of Cooperation in Eurasian Region


On May 2, 2018 in the Avaza Congress Center (Turkmenbashi city) the International Forum "The Great Silk Road - towards the New Frontiers of Development", organized by the Turkmen government was held.

His Excellency, Mr. Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, the President of Turkmenistan delivered welcoming speech to the opening session and emphasized the importance of high-level participation of the representatives of many countries, ministers, heads of international organizations, prominent diplomats, political and public figures from different corners of the world.

The forum was preceded by the opening of a new Turkmenbashi international sea port, designed to become an important transit hub of regional and continental importance.

Upon the invitation of the Government of Turkmenistan Mr. Mircea Ciorpaga, the Secretary General of the PS IGC TRACECA took part in the solemn session of the International Forum titled “The Great Silk Road – the Path to New Achievements” has kicked off in the Turkmen Avaza National Tourist Zone at the Caspian Sea.

Within the framework of the Forum Mr. Ciopraga familiarized the delegates with the tasks and objectives of TRACECA, the achievements of the last and current years and plans for the future. In his speech Secretary General emphasized that the strategic location of the Republic of Turkmenistan is very important for the development of their transport communications and the increase of freight flows along the TRACECA corridor. 

Mr. Ciopraga, the Secretary General of TRACECA, expressed his appreciation to H.E. Mr. Berdimuhamedov, President of Turkmenistan, having thanked him for invitation to such high level event and honour to be involved to the solemn session of the Forum and opening of the port.

The implementation of a number of projects on the construction of roads that meet modern requirements, the construction of new railway lines and the modernization of ports, is important for the entire region and in this connection, for the TRACECA corridor, contributing to the acceleration of the restoration of the historic Great Silk Road. 

The opening of new Turkmenbashi port is a higher level of trade and economic cooperation among the countries of Asia and Europe, opening wide opportunities for Turkmenistan’s entering the global markets and promoting the effective use of new geo-economic potential.

The active implementation of investment programs in the Republic of Turkmenistan will allow to connect the regions of the country into a single sustainable economic infrastructure platform that will ensure the country's further prosperity and further increase its authority and significance at the international level.

It should be mentioned that cooperation between Turkmenistan and TRACECA is grounded on a number of important factors. All the countries having with Turkmenistan land boundaries or naval borders are the TRACECA member states. The TRACECA investment and technical assistance projects made a significant contribution to the expansion of transport sector of Turkmenistan and navigation capacities of the port in Turkmenbashi.

Specifically, at the expense of the implemented TRACECA investment projects there were purchased cargo equipment and containers for freight handling and storage at the port of Turkmenbashi as well as for transshipment of the train to the ship, delivered navigational aids in order to provide safety of shipping operations and to prevent the emergency situations.

At the end of the plenary session of the International Forum "The Great Silk Road - towards the New Frontiers of Development", the Avaza Declaration was adopted.



Permanent Secretaritat of the IGC TRACECA