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Deepening the dialogue between TRACECA and Turkmenistan is the basis for sustainable development and transport cooperation in the region


On December 11, 2021, an International Conference «Peace and Trust Policy - Basis of International Security, Stability and Development» was held in a hybrid format, on the occasion of the 26th anniversary of Turkmenistan's permanent neutrality and the International Day of Neutrality.

The Ashgabat International Forum was held with the direct participation and intervention of Mr. Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, President of Turkmenistan.
The conference participants heard speeches by the General Secretaries of the ECO, Organization of Turkic States, International Organization of Turkic Culture (TURKSOY), Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General for Central Asia, Head of the UN Regional Center for Preventive Diplomacy for Central Asia, UN Permanent Coordinator in Turkmenistan, as well as the Permanent Secretariat of the IGC TRACECA, etc.

"The successful implementation of the Sustainable Development Agenda is impossible without establishing overarching partnerships at the global, regional and local levels, built on principles and values, common vision and goals focused on meeting the interests of humanity and its future,"
said Mr Assavbayev A.A, Secretary General of the PS IGC TRACECA during his speech.

In addition, the importance of transport connectivity between modern states uniting peoples, creating all the prerequisites for further development, was noted.

Along with the noted main directions of TRACECA initiatives, including improving border crossing procedures, digitalization of the corridor, introduction of electronic transport documents, joint work with the International Center for Transport Diplomacy, the International Council of Road Administrations and IBM Corporation with the involvement of representatives of Turkmenistan on the development of the Concept of a Global Transit Document was mentioned. This document is a modern, electronic and universal solution for multimodal transportation using blockchain technologies. The work in this direction continues, preparations are underway for the first pilot application of the Global Transit Document in 2022.  
"The Permanent Secretariat of the IGC TRACECA expresses hope for the active participation of Turkmenistan in expresses hope for the active participation of Turkmenistan in the implementation of pilot transportation," noted in the speech of the TRACECA Secretary General.


Permanent Secretaritat of the IGC TRACECA