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“Decisions made on Strategy for the period 2016-2026 will contribute to further strengthening of TRACECA efforts toward the integration of the Corridor”- stressed by Mr. Dimitar Tuchkov, Head of the delegation, Consul General of Bulgaria in Odessa


On 1 June 2016 within Twelfth Annual Meeting of the IGC TRACECA, Mr. Dimitar Tuchkov, Head of the delegation, Consul General of the Republic of Bulgaria in Odessa emphasized the importance of the approval of the Strategy for development of the international transport corridor Europe –the Caucasus-Asia for the period 2016-2026 and its further integration with the Trans-European transport network and seamless trade and transport system in order to strengthen mutually advantageous economic and trade cooperation.

Within his speech, Mr. Tuchkov underlined that during the period between the two annual meetings of the IGC Bulgarian side worked for the implementation of the decisions taken in Istanbul in 2015.

As TRACECA member-country, Bulgaria participated actively in the activities of TRACECA and implementation and realization of the strategic documents. The National Secretariat of TRACECA in Bulgaria works closely with the Permanent Secretariat and the member states to take necessary actions for implementing the resolutions of IGC. 

Mr. Tuchkov mentioned that as part of Trans-European transport network modernization of the infrastructure and achievement of interoperability with other countries are one of the main priorities of Bulgarian transport policy. In this regard, Bulgaria is investing a significant amount of the European funding in railway and road infrastructure projects along the Orient/East-Med corridor.  

He also mentioned some of the national transport priorities which are also of importance for the TRACECA corridor. In particular, efficient maintenance and modernization of transport infrastructure; transport infrastructure development through concession; safety and security of the transport system; accessible and environmentally friendly transport.

Mr. Tuchkov informed the participants of the IGC Meeting on the identification of different projects for development of transport infrastructure, which will contribute for achievement of reliable and seamless freight transport between Central Asia and Europe through Bulgaria. Some of them are: Restoration of Ruse – Varna railway line; modernization and construction of sections of Hemus Motorway, Black sea Highway, Modernization of Sofia – Pernik – Radomir railway line, construction of Tunnel under Shipka pass.

In addition to those projects, it is foreseen the preparation of concession procedures for a number of infrastructure objects, including: Sofia Airport, Varna Central Railway Station, Intermodal Terminal Plovdiv.

Mr. Tuchkov added that during the last programming period of the Operational Program on Transport in Bulgaria, 242 km of railway lines were rehabilitated, as well as 142 km of highways constructed. 

These achievements are relevant to the TRACECA region as they create linkages with the countries of Central and East Europe, as well as with the Caucasus and Central Asia.  

Full speech of Mr. Tuchkov are available for download here.


Permanent Secretaritat of the IGC TRACECA