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Cooperation between TRACECA and IRU will contribute to the development of common navigation maps of roads of the Europe-the Caucasus-Asia transport corridor


During the Meeting of the Permanent Secretariat of the Intergovernmental Commission TRACECA held on 27 February 2012, in Brussels, PS IGC TRACECA and IRU signed the Protocol of Intent concerning the need to promote the development and distribution of digital maps of roads along the transport corridor Europe-the Caucasus-Asia

On the left: Mr Igor Runov_IRU_Deputy_Secretary General; On the right: Mr. Eduard_Biriucov_TRACECA_Secretary_General

On the right: Mr. Eduard Biriucov, TRACECA_Secretary_General, Ms. Carmen Falkenberg, EC DG DEVCO; On the left: Mr. Salvatore Sciacchitano, ECAC_Executive_Secretary

On the right: Mr Igor Runov_IRU_Deputy_Secretary General; On the left: Mr. Vytautas_Nauduzas_Lithuanian_representative_Observer_IGC TRACECA

The use of modern information and telecommunication technologies making it possible to reduce the operators' time and financial expenses will considerably contribute to the development of international road haulage along the motor roads within the Europe-the Caucasus-Asia transport corridor.

At present there are either no digital maps available for the Central Asian and the South Caucasus regions or the existing ones do not satisfy the needs of road haulers. The detailed navigation maps of Central Asian roads in vector format to be further utilized in the GPS-navigation systems will increase the safety and efficiency of transport by road as well as reduce the time of delivery of goods. These maps will also include information on the existing ancillary road infrastructure, border crossings, ferries, fuel stations along the route of vehicles movement.

The implementation of these tasks is the basis of the Protocol of Intent between TRACECA and IRU. With the view of defining main functions and roles in the development of the program product it is planned to establish an ad-hoc group of experts, to carry out an in-depth research of the project, to work out the terms of reference and the feasibility study for a step-by-step project implementation.

It should be pointed out that the Permanent Secretariat TRACECA is always open for the initiatives of cooperation with various organizations. In particular, the Meeting examined the initiative of cooperation in the field of civil aviation between the European Civil Aviation   Conference (ECAC) and the PS IGC TRACECA. The Meeting participants heard the presentation regarding the activities, main objectives and tasks of the ECAC as well as further steps of possible areas of cooperation.

In the course of discussions, the meeting participants considered the draft Technical Annex to the Basic Multilateral Agreement on joint operation of Railway-Ferry Links between the MLA Parties on the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea. This draft document is designed to promote mutual support through national legislations and acting international rules of necessary conditions for unimpeded transportation of goods, which follow under the regime of international carriage. On the outcomes of the Meeting the Final Recommendations have been adopted.

For more photos of PS IGC TRACECA meeting click here


Permanent Secretaritat of the IGC TRACECA