Cooperation between the structures of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation and the institutions of TRACECA can be long-term platform for solving common problems and priorities
On 21 October 2015, Mr. Ciopraga took part in the Meeting of the Transport Ministers of the BSEC member-states, held in Bucharest, Romania.
The Meeting was organized within the framework of the Romanian BSEC chairmanship and dedicated to the topic of “New opportunities for better transport connectivity’s” and attended by ministers and deputy ministers of BSEC member-states, representatives of international structures, organizations and associations, including UNECE, TRACECA, IRU, Brass and etc.
During his statement, Mr. Ciopraga noted that transport plays an important part in economic growth in the member-countries of TRACECA region.
One of the main action within TRACECA Programme activities are creating new opportunities to achieve efficient development of transport communication and to organize logistics services as the basic components of modern transport system functioning.
Countries have created favorable legal framework necessary to attract private direct investment. TRACECA attaches great significance to the harmonization of TRACECA member states’ legislations with internationally acknowledged agreements and conventions and the European Laws in the field of transport. Actively encourage the diversification of sources of financing of investment projects in order to promote partnership with the business of the state to finance the modernization of the transport infrastructure.
Within the BSEC Conference, participants of the meeting touched the issues of current state and development prospects of the Black Sea region transport network as part of the European transport system as well as strengthening efforts for facilitation of transportation in the Black Sea region.
Permanent Secretaritat of the IGC TRACECA