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Consolidation and Development of Regional Cooperation TRACECA and Turkmenistan


At the invitation of the Government of Turkmenistan the Secretary General of TRACECA took part in the International Conference dedicated to the 18th Anniversary of the Neutrality Day held on 11 December 2013, in Ashgabat, Turkmenistan. Within the framework of the Forum Mr. Biriucov familiarized the delegates with the tasks and objectives of TRACECA, the achievements of the last and current years and plans for the future. The Conference was attended by the high-ranking representatives of international and regional organizations, heads of diplomatic representations and missions, public organizations, executives of the foreign office, deputies of the National Parliament, etc.

Speech during the Forum, Eduard Biriucov, TRACECA Secretary General;


To the left: Mr Mezencev D.F., Secretary General of SCO, to the right: Mr Biriucov E.Y., Secretary General of TRACECA

The celebration of Neutrality in view of the principles of sustainable development becomes topical in connection with the transition of Turkmenistan to a qualitatively new level of cooperation with the leading international organizations, institutions and donors.  

In his speech Mr. Biriucov emphasized that the strategic location of the Republic of Turkmenistan is very important for the development of their transport communications and the increase of freight flows along the TRACECA corridor. The accession of Turkmenistan to the Basic Multilateral Agreement (MLA) TRACECA will make it possible to realize huge economic potential more effectively as well as to stimulate the development of the transport sector of the whole country.

The MLA is an intergovernmental agreement which creates in the TRACECA countries a favourable legal regime for the development of freight traffic and transit along the TRACECA corridor. At the same time the TRACECA attaches much importance to the issues of legal harmonization of the TRACECA member states with the internationally recognized transport agreements and conventions. 

Cooperation between Turkmenistan and TRACECA is grounded on a number of significant political and economic factors. All the countries having with Turkmenistan land boundaries or naval borders are the TRACECA member states. The TRACECA investment and technical assistance projects make a significant contribution to the expansion of transport sector of Turkmenistan and navigation capacities of the port in Turkmenbashi. Specifically at the expense of the implemented TRACECA investment projects there were purchased cargo equipment and containers for freight handling and storage at the port of Turkmenbashi as well as for transshipment of the train to the ship, delivered navigational aids in order to provide safety of shipping operations and to prevent the emergency situations      

It should be noted that Turkmenistan has been the beneficiary of the TRACECA Programme since 1993.


Permanent Secretaritat of the IGC TRACECA