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Black Sea Ports and Shipping continues to be the biggest annual Maritime Ports, Shipping and Transport Logistics Exhibition and Conference in the Black Sea region now in its 8th successful year


From 9 till 11 July 2019, Constanta Port, with the help of organizing of full service international events company “Transport Events Limited”, hosted 8th Black Sea Ports and Shipping 2019 Exhibition and Conference.

A two days Conference Programme featured 30 world-class transport and logistics conference speakers addressing topical issues and challenges covering global and regional trade and investment attended by a gathering of more than 400 senior government officials, industry principals, academics, senior executive harbour masters, harbour engineers, port engineers, maintenance supervisors and procurement decision makers together with the region’s leading shippers, cargo owners, importers / exporters, shipping lines, freight forwarders, logistics companies, ports, terminal operating companies, railway operators, port equipment and services suppliers from countries throughout the Black Sea region.

Upon the invitation of Ms. Daniela Sherban, Chief Executive Officer of Constanta Port, Mr. Mircea Ciopraga, Secertary General of the Permanent Secretariat (PS) of the Intergovernmental Commission (IGC) TRACECA presented and delivered his speech on 10th of July during first session of the conference, called “Observing economic opportunities in transportation and logistics trade. What can be offered to attract global investors?”

The main points of the speech of the Secretary General touched the role of maritime transport in the development of logistics and trade along the TRACECA transport corridor.

Mr. Ciopraga stressed, that today the transport corridor TRACECA represents a multimodal transport system ensuring communication between Europe and Asia. The Programme of TRACECA, as one of the leading and prospective international transport corridors, is aimed at strengthening and development of trade-economic relations and optimization of transport communication in the region of the Caspian and Black Seas. 

“Despite uneasy and contradictory macroeconomic realities, the world maritime trade demonstrates positive dynamics without substantial fluctuations or failures. The world maritime traffic is gradually growing with the volumes surpassing 10 billion tons on the outcomes of 2018 for the first time in the history of mankind. Cargo fleet of the TRACECA member states contributes to the total growth of maritime traffic. To perform traffic presently there are utilized all modes of transport with traffic performance satisfying the needs of freight flows. The existing transport potential of the TRACECA member states allows satisfying the growing demands in transport services and accelerating the development of transport infrastructure.” declared Secretary General of the PS IGC TRACECA.

In conclusion of his speech Mr. Ciopraga noted a special role of Romania as its active participant from the very early formation of TRACECA. For a long time, Romania has been making great efforts to use the transport potential of its country for the benefit of development of transport connections between Europe and Asia, and the on-going and completed infrastructure projects in Romania contribute to the invigoration of the restoration of the Historic Silk Road.


Currently not available


Permanent Secretaritat of the IGC TRACECA