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“Armenia highly values all the justified measures for reforms in the field of transport”- mentioned by Mr. Grigoryan, TRACECA National Secretary in Armenia


On 1 June 2016 within Twelfth Annual Meeting of the IGC TRACECA, Mr. Gagik Grigoryan, Head of Delegation, National Secretary of the IGC TRACECA and Head of Staff of the Ministry of Transport and Communications in the Republic of Armenia underlined the attention paid to the transport infrastructure and improvement of its sectors.

During his speech, Mr. Grigoryan outlined the construction of North-South Road Corridor, implemented by the joint financing of the Asian Development bank, the European Investment Bank, the Eurasian Development Bank and others. Tranche 1 of the Project has already been completed and put into operation. The works on the implementation of following tranches of the project are underway and moving forward according to the envisaged time-frames. 

In parallel, works are being conducted on the other sections of the Corridor. The feasibility study for the road in the South towards the Armenia-Iran state border, and the initial design of the road will be completed soon.

Considerable work has been already done towards strengthening the railway capacity, particularly    the Southern Armenia Railway Project has been launched, which is also known as the Armenia-Iran Railway. It will serve as the shortest and most reliable connection to TRACECA and the North-South International Corridor. This railway is an important missing link to the Persian Gulf and the Black Sea ports for the goods transport.

It is also mentioned that one of the issues of high importance is timely update of the relevant legislative documents. At this point, the Ministry of Transport and Communication of Armenia has developed a new set of documents comprising all the necessary changes and additions to the existing legislation and submitted it to the Parliament of the Republic of Armenia for approval.

Within the agenda of the IGC meeting, National Secretary mentioned that being a landlocked country with limited access to maritime transportation, Armenia will keep supporting the TRACECA Regional Action Strategy on Maritime Safety and Security and Environmental Protection.

Armenia supports Ukraine’s accession to the Agreement on the development of Multi-modal Transport TRACECA and is ready for continuous and fruitful cooperation.

Mr. Grigoryan has also highlighted recent cooperation within the framework of EU Technical Assistance. Specifically, TRACECA Regional Road Safety Action Plan for the Road Safety II project. The experts of the project and experts of the related authorities of the Republic of Armenia have jointly developed the draft Action Plan on Road Safety for 2016-2020, which will serve as the primary document at the Ministry of Transport and Communication, Road Police and the National Road Safety Council when organizing and executing the works on ensuring the safe and sound road traffic in Armenia.

Full speech of Mr. Grigoryan are available for download here.


Permanent Secretaritat of the IGC TRACECA