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27-28 June 2012 Working Visit of the Secretary General of TRACECA to the Republic of Armenia


During his visit Mr. E. Biriucov, Secretary General of TRACECA, held a number of meetings: with Mr. Gagik Beglaryan, Chairman of the National Commission of TRACECA in Armenia, Minister of Transport and Communications of the Republic of Armenia, Mr. Artashes Avetisyan, Deputy Minister, Mr. Gagik Grigoryan, National Secretary of the PS IGC TRACECA, as well as with the representatives of the National Commission of TRACECA in Armenia.

Mr.Gagik Beglaryan_Minister with Mr. Eduard Biriucov, Secretary General_TRACECA;

Mr.Artashes Avetisyan_Deputy Minister with Mr. Eduard Biriucov;

Mr.Gagik Grigoryan_TRACECA National Secretary with Mr. Eduard Biriucov

Mr Biriucov congratulated Mr. Beglaryan with the appointment to the post of a Minister and Chairman of the National Commission of TRACECA, having discussed the priority issues of further development of the international transport corridor “Europe-the Caucasus-Asia”, the strategic and integration outlook of the region for the purpose of further implementation of the IGC TRACECA Strategy for the period up to 2015. The Parties assured each other that they would continue an efficient cooperation on the way of achieving common goals and objectives within the framework of TRACECA activities.

The Parties exchanged views on the Investment Forums held in Brussels (2010 and 2012), infrastructure projects presented by Armenia at the last Forum, regarding in particular the creation of logistic centre and transport infrastructure operating in the territory of the international airport “Zvartnotz” in Yerevan. This project is a component of a free economic zone attached to the airport and it will ensure passengers and freight carriage along a new motorway and railway.

The meeting’s participants noted major issues in the course of implementation of the ongoing TRACECA technical assistance projects, further institutional improvement of the IGC TRACECA structures, as well as the Action Plan for 2013 in the context of the discussion of the next Anniversary Tenth Annual Conference of the IGC to be held in Dushanbe, Tajikistan.


Permanent Secretaritat of the IGC TRACECA