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Initiative of mutual cooperation between TRACECA and CAREC – a catalyst of the transport dialogue development in the region


CAREC is one of the regional communities covering Central Asia. The Programme of Central Asia Regional Economic Cooperation with support of the Asian Development Bank is designed for promotion of transport and trade in the region.

For many years TRACECA has been cooperating with the leading international organizations, financial institutions and operators in the field of development of Eurasian transport connections and initiatives for the coordination of TRACECA countries, at the same time taking practical steps aiming at the implementation of strategic objectives in the field of transport and trade.

During the 12th Meeting of the CAREC Transport Sector Coordination Committee (TSCC), held on 5–7 June 2013, in Astana, Kazakhstan, Mr. E. Biriucov, Secretary General of TRACECA informed the participants of the Meeting on the current activities, completed and on-going projects, plans of institutional reforms with the view of increasing international status and strengthening coordination and cooperation on the levels of TRACECA-TRACECA and TRACECA-the European Union. 

In the course of the mutual meeting and negotiations with Mr. Xiaohong Yang, Director of Transport and Communications Division, Central and West Asia Department (АDB), there was held an exchange of views regarding the outlook of the regions development and mutual aspirations for establishment of closer contacts. On the outcome of the views’ exchange there was achieved an understanding on the development and preparation for signing of the agreement on mutual cooperation between CAREC and TRACECA.

Signing of this agreement will provide an opportunity of promoting various joint projects taking into consideration the economic situation of each TRACECA and CAREC member state which will in its turn make it possible to develop trade and economic relations more effectively, including Euro-Asian transport connections in the context of the international transport corridor Europe-the Caucasus-Asia development.



Permanent Secretaritat of the IGC TRACECA