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Improvement of the International Transport Corridor Europe-the Caucasus-Asia is the primary aim of the future of TRACECA


The main subject of the discussions of the MLA TRACECA member-states, the representatives of the Permanent Secretariat, European Commission, the consultants of TRACECA technical assistance projects during TRACECA Permanent Secretariat and that of the Coordination Meetings, held on 16-17 April 2013, in Kiev, consisted in the issues related to the elaboration of a unified approach to the future of TRACECA by means of discussing proposals and outlooks, planned measures and perspectives of further cooperation.

Representatives of Permanent Secretariat, European Commission;

Team of IDEA II project

Three (3) technical assistance Projects: “Transport Dialogue and Network Interoperability” (IDEA II), the Regional Project “Logistical processes and Motorways of the Sea” (LOGMOS) and the Project for the safety of the motorways of the sea “Maritime Safety and Security II” (TRACECAMAR) submitted a short review of the current activities, forecasts based on the application of the regional network concept within the framework of TRACECA (TEN-T Model) and envisaged results with the view of increasing the efficiency of the corridor development. 

Taking into account the main TRACECA routes and a conceptual approach regarding trade facilitation, the European Commission suggests the planning methodology of consistent extension of the Trans-European transport networks featuring a dual layer network structure, comprising a comprehensive and a core network. Not the least of the factors is the application of the best practices and the experience of countries by implementing European Standards e.g. in the field of border management and improvement of transport infrastructure.  
Further capacity building, legal approximation, communication with IFIs, application of the TRACECA tool box and alike (models, multi-criteria, analysis, communications, information systems, master-plan, TRACECA Campus, etc.) serve the main purpose – the improvement of the corridor and its integration with the world transport system.

In view of the progress it is necessary to develop the existing potential of the TRACECA region by means of realization of the strategic objectives: intensive development of the routes, passing through the TRACECA countries, creation of the transport chains within the corridor system for the near future, continuous logistic chains and effective multimodal transport. Therefore, the issues of coordination and consistency of actions of the Parties in elaborating transport policies, mutually beneficial tariff conditions in certain routes, prices, quality and reliability of traffic, technical problems encountered in the process of traffic remain open for the realization and mutual solution.

While considering the Action Plan for 2013-2015 the Parties arrived at a common view that at this phase of the TRACECA Strategy implementation it is needed to continue formation and   development of the integrated network of logistic nodes, creation of attractive conditions for multi-modal and transit transport, including the improvement of infrastructure component of the corridor. This will allow diversification of international transport routes in the exiting severe competition. 

 Particular attention was given to the issue of elaboration of the IGC TRACECA Strategy for development of the international transport corridor “Europe-the Caucasus-Asia” for the period  2016 – 2026, which in fact should determine the outlook of the future of TRACECA, subsequent policy of development taking into account the specific features of the transport infrastructure in each of the beneficiary countries of the EU-TRACECA projects. 

Of no small importance is the issue of regulation of freight carriage in direct international railway-ferry communication with participation of the ports, national railway and shipping companies, the Parties to the Basic Multilateral Agreement operating in the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea. The signing of the “Technical Annex to the MLA on Fundamental Principles of Railway-Ferry Terminals Operation in the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea” is scheduled for 18 September 2013, in Dushanbe, Tajikistan, within the framework of the forthcoming Tenth Anniversary Meeting (Conference) of the IGC TRACECA. 

Photos are available here: http://www.traceca-org.org/en/home/gallery/ps-meetings/kievukraine-16-april-2013/


Permanent Secretaritat of the IGC TRACECA