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The Permanent Secretariat of the Intergovernmental Commission TRACECA plans to hold a two-day international virtual session on the role of digitalization in international freight transportation on April 19-20, 2022.

The main objective of the event is to raise awareness of the current international, regional and national results of digitalization in transport and new initiatives in this industry, as well as to establish contacts among participants responsible for policy-making, project implementation, and users of digital services.

During this session, the following issues (but not limited to) are expected to be discussed:

1.    International transport digitalization initiatives.
(Interventions of the PS IGC TRACECA, UN structures, EU, FIATA, GUAM, BSEC, ITF, IBM, Maersk, ViaService, representatives of regional digital solutions, and others are expected)

2.    Results and perspectives for the development of digital solutions for various modes of transport at the international level.
(Interventions of UIC, OSJD, IRU, CIT, IMO, and others are expected)

3.    Results and perspectives for the development of digital solutions for various modes of transport at the national level.
 (Interventions of representatives of carriers in various modes of transport, sea ports and shipping companies, forwarding and logistics companies of TRACECA countries are expected)

4.    Digitalization of public services in the field of transport.
(Interventions of representatives of state bodies and interested organizations of TRACECA countries are expected)
5.    Misc.

The working languages of the event will be English and Russian.

Expected audience:

International organizations and companies that implement international/regional/multilateral projects in the field of digitalization of transportation by various modes of transport, state and other interested bodies, as well as carriers, ports and other participants of the transportation process of the TRACECA countries implementing digitalization initiatives are invited to participate.

If you are interested to participate but have not received an invitation, please email us via: office(at)ps.traceca-org.org marked "Application for participation in the international virtual session on digitalization".

The draft programme can be downloaded from the link below. As the speakers are confirmed, the programme will be updated, so please follow our updates.


19.04.2022 - 20.04.2022

Type of event:

Level of event:


Location and Venue:


Institution, holding event:

Permanent Secretaritat of the IGC TRACECA, Expert group


Permanent Secretariat
T: +994-12-598 27 18
F: +994-12-498 64 26
E: office@ps.traceca-org.org  


Currently not available