Map of Kazakhstan Republic

2 724 902 km2
The length of the country is 2,963 km from East to West and 1,652 km from North to South.
Bounded on the North and West by Russia (border length — 7548,1 km) in the East — with China (1782,8 km), on the South by Kyrgyzstan (1241,6 km), Uzbekistan (2351,4 km) and Turkmenistan (426 km). The total length of the land borders is 13392.6 km.
Big lakes: km²
1 Caspian sea 371000
2 Balkhash 16400
3 Aral sea 13900
4 Small Aral sea 3300
5 Alakol 2200
6 Zaisan 1810
7 Tengiz
Big rivers:
The Irtysh river, 4,248 km on the territory of Kazakhstan - 1 700 km
Ishim 2 450 km in the territory of Kazakhstan - 1 400 km
Ural 2 428 km in the territory of Kazakhstan 1 082 km
Syrdarya 2 219 km on the territory of Kazakhstan 1,400 km
river Tobol is 1,591 km through the territory of Kazakhstan, 800 km
Chu 1 186 km on the territory of Kazakhstan, 800 km.