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TRACECA and OSJD discussed the possibilities of deepening cooperation


On August 23, 2021, there was an exchange of views among Mr Asset Assavbayev, Secretary General of the PS IGC TRACECA, Mr Miroslaw Antonowicz, Chairman of the OSJD Committee, as well as TRACECA and OSJD experts.

The participants of the meeting noted the main initiatives and directions for activities of TRACECA and OSJD.

The discussion focused on the development and improvement of international rail transport along the TRACECA and OSJD corridors, primarily in communication between Europe and Asia, including combined transport, as well as coordinated transport policy in the field of international rail transport.

"Considering that 11 of the 13 TRACECA member-states are also OSJD members, it is important to work together in order to improve the efficiency of rail transportation at the international level," – said Mr A. Assavbayev.

During the meeting, Secretary General of the PS IGC TRACECA shared vision on the main priorities of cooperation between TRACECA and OSJD, noting the importance of developing container transport and common approaches to determining competitive tariffs. In addition, during the meeting, attention was also paid to the Concept for the Development of Container Transport up to 2030.

In its turn, the Chairman of the OSJD Committee noted that the enlargement of cooperation between TRACECA and OSJD will contribute to the further development of transport in the region.

In this context, joint country recommendations, exchange of experience and an action plan within the working bodies - standing OSJD WGs and TRACECA WGs will allow to create the most favourable conditions in the current realities to increase competitiveness in the field of rail transport.

In addition, considering the region of TRACECA and OSJD, the Parties of the meeting pointed out the importance of efforts in application of digital solutions for routes and corridors in order to facilitate transport procedures.

The participants of the meeting agreed to identify specific areas of cooperation and actively work on deepening relations.


Permanent Secretaritat of the IGC TRACECA