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The First Working Group session on elaboration of the draft Agreement on a Single Transit Permit TRACECA was held on 30 June 2020 via web-conferencing


Within the framework of the Working Group, the MLA TRACECA member states considered the initiative of the Permanent Secretariat on the elaboration of the draft Agreement on STP feasible.

The implementation of a Single Transit Permit TRACECA will contribute to the facilitation of the organization of international traffic, promotion of the traffic transparency, digitalization, reduction of the time and cost of the transportation process and optimization of the monitoring procedures.The participants of the WG session noted the utmost importance of increasing the competitiveness of the corridor and the significance of creating the necessary conditions to attract additional transit traffic flows.  At the same time, during the discussions a part of the countries envisage further elaboration of the STP Agreement within the IGC TRACECA, while other countries consider it expedient to develop the existing Agreement on Multilateral Permits, signed in 2015 with the emphasis on the digitalization of the TRACECA permits.    On the outcomes of the discussions within the First WG session, its participants came to the common opinion that the Working Group will continue its activity. In addition, the Permanent Secretariat in close collaboration with the countries will finalize the draft Agreement and prepare it for further consideration and signing.      For this purpose the following sessions will be organized, the next one is scheduled for 30 September. 

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Permanent Secretaritat of the IGC TRACECA