PS Meeting in Tbilisi/Georgia, 03 April 2014

Presidium of the Meeting of the Permanent Secretariat

Chairman of the meeting: Mr Eduard Biriucov, Secretary General of the PS IGC TRACECA

Ms Natia Mikeladze, National Secretary of TRACECA to Georgia, Deputy Minister of Economy & Sustainable Development

Mr Stefan Bil, EC Programme Manager for Transport

Mr Akif Mustafayev, National Secretary of TRACECA to Azerbaijan

Mr Gagik Grigoryan, National Secretary of TRACECA to Armenia

Mr Biriucov, TRACECA Secretary General

Mr Detlef Pulsack, Team Leader of IDEA II project; Mr Andreas Schoen, Team Leader of the LOGMOS project

Mr Marat Saduov, National Secretary of TRACECA to Kazakhstan

Ms Iuliana Stasiuc, Head of the Group of Experts

Representatives of Permanent Secretariat: Ms Iuliana Stasiuc, Head of the Group of Experts & Ms Samira Rafizade, Public Relations Expert

Bulgarian & Georgian delegations of TRACECA - Ms Ketevan Salukvadze, Ms Ketevan Takaishvili

Kyrgyz delegation: to the right - Mr Adylbek Akmatov, National Secretary of TRACECA to Kyrgyzstan;

National Secretary of TRACECA to Islamic Republic of Iran

Ms Maria Magdalena Grigore, National Secretary of TRACECA to Romania; Ms Elena Cacicovschii, Deputy Director, Department for International Relations and European Integration, Ministry Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure of Moldova

Turkish Delegation: Mr Erdem Direkler - National Secretary of TRACECA, Ms Secil Ozyanik - TRACECA Expert

Bulgarian Delegation: Mr Dimitar Savov - National Secretary of TRACECA, Ms Ivanka Georgieva - Head of International Relations Department MTITC

Iranian delegation: Dr Shahriyar Afandizadeh - National Secretary of TRACECA; Mr Homayoun Karimi - TRACECA Expert

Turkish Delegation: Mr Erdem Direkler - National Secretary of TRACECA, Ms Secil Ozyanik - TRACECA Expert

Moldavian delegation: Mr Andrei Cuculescu - National Secretary of TRACECA, Ms Elena Cacicovschii, Deputy Director, Department for International Relations and European Integration, Ministry Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure
Ms Maria Magdalena Grigore, National Secretary of TRACECA to Romania



Mr Valentin Kasapchuk, National Secretary of TRACECA to Ukraine

Mr Olimjon Buranov, National Secretary of TRACECA to Uzbekistan

Mr Solih Muminov, National Secretary of TRACECA to Tajikistan