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Situated in the vicinity of the regions of Azerbaijan, the New Port in Alat will increase its connectivity as an efficient transportation hub and the volume of cargo being handled


This fact has been mentioned within the meeting of Mr. Mircea Ciopraga, Secretary General of the PS IGC TRACECA and Mr. Taleh Ziyadov, Director-General of Baku International Sea Trade Port in Azerbaijan on 26 October 2018, in Baku, Azerbaijan.

Mr. Ziyadov and Mr. Ciopraga discussed the beneficial location of the Port of Baku in Alat, linking west (Turkey & EU), south (Iran & India) and north (Russia) in the region. 

Mr. Ziyadov mentioned that the Port of Baku is the oldest and largest port on the Caspian Sea. For centuries, Port of Baku served as a link between East and West, alongside the ancient Silk Road, as well as North-South transport corridor that connects North Europe and Russia with Middle East and South Asia.

Port of Baku will increase trade capacity to 15 million tons of cargo per year, including up to 100,000 containers, many of which could be transshipped between China, Central Asia and Europe.

The new Port of Baku will also have a Free Trade Zone and manufacturing industries using raw or semi-finished materials from the region. Here, manufacturers can utilize this location as a critical node to established a modern supply chain along a 21st Century Silk Road, serving the vast hinterland between China and Europe. Through the establishment of the e-platform, the Port Community System, it will be possible to link with all stakeholders of the Eurasian supply chain via a single Logistics IT window. With such a developed network, it will produce much value-added services creating new markets for which the New FTZ will serve, via good intermodal facilities, for rail, road and ferry covering North-South and East West routes. 

In its turn, Mr. Ciopraga stressed that the construction of the new international maritime port in Alyat is the real necessity for implementing the New Silk Road initiative proposed by TRACECA many years ago. 

During the visit to the new port of Baku at Alat settlement, Mr. Eugene Seah, Chief Operating Officer of the Port made brief presentation on the operational capabilities of the new Port of Baku, including the latest technological solutions. 

Mr. Seah emphasized that the latest test of the fully automated management system of the Baku Port are being implemented. Once the software has been put into operation, the cargo and the status of each cargo in the port area will be available online.

Mr. Ciopraga and Mr. Seah noted the importance of transferring global transport corridors to digital format, stressing that this was one of the most important points for Europe and China's major cargo owners. 

Mr. Ciopraga emphasized that Azerbaijan was actively involved in the TRACECA program, celebrating its 25th anniversary in 2018, and today Port of Baku has an important place in the Asia-Europe global trade.

Considering the increase of the economic and social dynamics of the economies in the Caspian Sea area, a strong transport infrastructure between these countries could accelerate Eurasian trade. 



Permanent Secretaritat of the IGC TRACECA