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On September 8, 2020, a Meeting of the Working Group TRACECA on finalizing the draft regulatory documents of the PS IGC TRACECA was held


The objective of the working meeting on finalizing the draft regulatory documents is the necessity to consider the final versions of the texts of the Rules of Procedure of the IGC and the Statute of the PS IGC TRACECA, taking into account the proposals and opinions of the TRACECA countries.

It should be noted that the current Rules of Procedure of the IGC were adopted during the 6th Meeting of the IGC TRACECA, in Astana, Kazakhstan, and the Statute of the PS IGC TRACECA was adopted during the 8th Meeting of the IGC in Brussels, Belgium, and according to the MLA Parties require the improvement.

During the discussions, the WG participants finalized the texts of the draft documents, amendments, additions and proposals received by the Permanent Secretariat from the MLA TRACECA member states.

Amendments and additions to the new Rules of Procedure of the IGC and the Statute of the PS involve expanding and improving the functions of the IGC Chairman, Permanent Secretariat, National Secretaries, Secretary General, as well as the qualitative monitoring and strengthening effective interaction between the target groups to promote initiatives for the development of the TRACECA corridor.

In accordance with the current procedures, the final documents on amendments to the Rules of Procedure of the IGC and the Statute of the PS will be considered at the Permanent Secretariat Meeting on November 24. The documents are scheduled to be submitted for approval at the next meeting of the IGC TRACECA in Sofia, Republic of Bulgaria in 2021.


Permanent Secretaritat of the IGC TRACECA