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On July 2, 2020, discussions between Mr. A. Assavbayev, Secretary General of TRACECA and Mr. Dimitar Savov, National Secretary of TRACECA in Bulgaria were held via videoconferencing


The agenda of the bilateral meeting included discussions on the targeted plans for 2020-2021, new initiatives, developed projects, as well as the discussions on the prospects for the development of TRACECA international transport corridor (ITC) routes.

NS of TRACECA in Bulgaria underlined the increase and positive trends in the activities of the Permanent Secretariat represented by Mr. Assavbayev, Secretary General over the past few months, despite the current conditions of the COVID-19 pandemic. Mr. Savov noted the particular significance of the chosen approach on communication with the European Commission regarding the initiation of technical assistance projects (such as the Digitalization of the markets of Central Asian countries, the Cargo handling equipment needs assessment for the Caspian Sea ports, etc.). 

Taking into consideration the future period of the Chairmanship in the IGC TRACECA, which will be held in Bulgaria in 2021, Secretary General of TRACECA informed that to the period of the 15th IGC Meeting, the Agenda with all the finalized draft documents will be ready and informative. Particularly, the Agenda for the IGC Meeting may include a number of current developed projects, taking into account the agreements reached with countries on the unified position on the Agreement on a STP, the electronic form of permits, the rationalization of new lists of routes, and other issues.

In its turn, in order to achieve effective results, the Bulgarian Party is ready to provide assistance, share experience and provide the necessary support in the work carried out by the Permanent Secretariat both in cooperation with the TRACECA member-states and with the EU institutions involved.

With regard to its membership in the European Union, Bulgaria cannot fully actively participate in a number of projects. Along with this condition, Bulgaria is interested in the position of observer in elaborating the text of the Agreement on a STP, on the Harmonized Conditions for the cargo transportation under the spread of the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic, the initiative is fully supported by Bulgaria.

At the same time, the country has measures that meet the EC Guidelines for the implementation of "Green Lanes", and some of the requirements of the draft Harmonized Conditions (in particular, on the regime of work and rest) cannot be applied.

On all other issues, Dimitar Savov informed that the official comments will be submitted by the Bulgarian Party after the relevant consultations with responsible authorities.

Moreover, the date of the 15th IGC TRACECA Meeting in Bulgaria will be announced later.




Permanent Secretaritat of the IGC TRACECA