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On December 10, 2020, participants of the Working Group considered the Concept of the Global Transit Document (GTrD) via web conferencing


To continue working together on the development of the GTrD, the Second Meeting of the Working Group was attended by representatives of the PS IGC TRACECA, ICTD and MSD countries, as well as invited representatives from IBM, UN OHRLLS and other interested parties.

At the beginning of the Meeting, Mr. Asset Assavbayev, Secretary General of the PS IGC TRACECA, Mr. Buri Karimov, Chairman of Intergovernmental Council of Road Administrators, Mr. Sandagdorj Erdenebileg, Chief of the Policy Development, Coordination, Monitoring and Reporting Service of the High Representative for the Least Developed Countries, Landlocked Developing Countries and Small Island Developing States, and others made welcoming addresses.

During the Second Meeting of the Working Group, the main objective of the Meeting participants' discussions was the GTrD Concept and the details of the pilot project on the application of the document in practice.

The participants pointed out the special importance of practical application of the Global Transit Document as a unified multimodal document in international road transport and supported the conceptual approaches to development of the GTrD, including the use of digital blockchain platform, development of a guarantee mechanism to ensure customs requirements of the participating countries, adoption of the International Mutual Recognition Agreement (MRA).

As part of their presentations, Mr. I. B. Rounov and Ms. Juliette Passer, representatives of the ICTD and of IBM Corporation familiarized the participants with the technical and legal aspects, as well as the use of digital blockchain technology, which became the basis of the GTrD project.

On the outcome of discussions, the Working Group took note of the information on the activities of the PS IGC TRACECA to overcome the consequences of COVID-19 and promote the cargo transportation along the routes of TRACECA corridor in the second half of 2020. The proposals received from a number of countries and individual organizations that are members of the Working Group on making additions and changes to the proposed draft of the GTrD Concept were also taken into consideration.

The participants of the Working Group expressed their interest in informing the relevant UN structures, international regional organizations, as well as the countries of the region about the status of the project and inviting them to join its implementation.

Given the outcome of the discussion and the exchange of views, the GTrD Concept, as well as a detailed business plan for the implementation of the pilot project together with the interested countries, transport and logistics structures, banks and insurance companies, considering opinions expressed with participation of interested countries’ experts will be further developed.

The participants of Meeting agreed to hold the 3rd Meeting of the Working Group in late April - early May of 2021 to review the results of the work done and approve the Action Plan for the implementation of the pilot project under the GTrD by the end of 2021.


Permanent Secretaritat of the IGC TRACECA