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Bulgaria: Regime of cargo transportation in terms of COVID-19* pandemic as of 25 March 2020


*Source: Overview of border measures adopted by Member States - COVID-19 EUROPEAN COMMISSION /DIRECTORATE-GENERAL FOR MIGRATION AND HOME AFFAIRS Directorate B: Borders, Interoperability and Innovation, Unit B.1: Borders and Schengen

I. Transport of goods and services, e.g. creation of green lines for lorriesTransit: required to leave the country within 24 hours as of moment of entering.
Where BG is the final point or point of departure: BG drivers are set under 14 days quarantine upon arrival
Support for green lanes
II. Supply of goodsLocal producers for PPE, masks mobilized to satisfy the growing internal demand.
Participation in a number of tenders within the JPA
III. Health-related measuresNational state of emergency 

National TF under the PM, ensuring cross sectoral coordination, updated assessment of the situation, transparency, information to media and society on daily basis.

Awareness raising measures incl. on hygiene etc.

At Sofia airport passengers are being examined by medical staff with mobile devices, detecting temperature levels. On land BCPs health inspectors check incoming persons with mobile temperature measurement devices. Thermal cameras are being tested and implemented on these BCPs.

Mandatory quarantine for citizens of BG and foreign nationals with residence permit (suspected cases nationwide and imported cases at the borders, with passengers arriving from a list of high-risk countries) 
13 March 2020
IV. External borders, e.g. entry bansAt entry points: contact tracing (forms to be filled-in by all arriving passengers); brochures with information on COVID-19 and the necessary prevention measures translated in 10 languages.

Measures for temporary restriction of non-essential travels of all third country nationals with the respective exemptions were introduced in accordance with COM(2020) 115 final. Ban on entry on the territory of the country from some high-risk EU and Schengen Member States is also in place (a list updated as needed), nevertheless citizens of these countries are allowed transit through Bulgaria in order to return to their country of residence; Limitation of free movement in most affected districts.
20 March 2020 – 17 April 2020
V. Internal borders, e.g. reintroduction of border control




Permanent Secretaritat of the IGC TRACECA