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International festival of songs, fashion and beauty "SilkWay"

Within the framework of the well-known international UNESCO program "Silk Way – the way of dialogue" on 23 and 28 August, in Chisinau, Moldova with the support of UNESCO, Lukoil and TRACECA there will be the International Song Festival, Fashion and Beauty, "The Silk Way".

The proposed festival is a set of vibrant activities based on folklore and ethnic traditions of the peoples of the Silk Way. The main purpose of the festival - the intensification of cultural linkages, increasing creativity of young talents, the formation of taste, sense of style, fashion and high culture of the peoples of Europe, America and Asia, promoting the image of its member states of the festival in the world community.

Currently the international working groups from Russia, Bulgaria, Azerbaijan, Moldova, Turkey, Ukraine and the United States are carrying out intensified preparatory activities in Chisinau.

It should be noted that this kind of festivals, but in different genres of world culture (as an international folk, ethno-musical festival «SilkWay») is gaining popularity around the world (Azerbaijan, Syria, Russia, Bulgaria, and Moldova)

For more detailed information please follow the official web-site of the SilkWay festival


24.09.2012 - 28.09.2012

Type of event:

Level of event:


Location and Venue:

Chisinau, Moldova

Institution, holding event:


Adress: Moldova MD 2060, mun.Chisinau, str. Butucului 14/A
Tel: +373 22 508135 Fax: +373 22 567895
Email: silkwayofficial@gmail.com , silkwayfest@mail.ru 


Currently not available

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