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Moldova. Updated: Regime of cargo transportation in terms of COVID-19* pandemic as of 26 May 2020


In accordance with the Decision No 12 from 25 May 2020 by the National Extraordinary Public Health Commission, starting from May 26, 2020, the activities of railway and road transport of passengers in international traffic are resumed, with strict compliance with the following measures of preventing and fighting against the COVID-19 infection:

1. ensuring the protection of staff who makes transport journeys, through: (I) protection equipment (masks, gloves); (II) disinfectants (for hands and surfaces); (III) daily sorting of the employed staff at the beginning of the work shift (measuring body temperature, health condition):   
2. adjusting the travel schedule and the number of transport units, in order to avoid agglomerations of people;

3. self-monitoring of the staff’s health condition during the working day, by informing the employer;

4.  limiting the number of people in the railway and road transport in international traffic, proportionally to the number of chairs available in the transport means;

5.  compulsory bearing of protection masks by passengers;  

6.  checking by transport operators of passengers’ body temperature at the embarking in road or railway transport units in international traffic, and the temperature must not exceed 37 Celsius degrees;   

7. disinfection of surfaces in the salon and verifying the passengers’ body temperature within operations of road passenger transport, including after each shift/journey made, at the terminus station




Permanent Secretaritat of the IGC TRACECA