Our Project Team

Team Leader: Falko Josef Sellner
Falko Josef Sellner has 15 years of experience as an international lawyer and has successfully implemented a number of high profile projects, both for donor organisations and for the private industry. Falko has been appointed as Acting Team Leader with May 2010 and approved as TL with July 2010; He is also a qualified Project Manager. In addition, Falko is a guest lecturer and Honorary Associate with the IWLRI, University of Dundee (Scotland), where he holds a master of law degree (hons) in International Law and Policy.
email: falko.sellner@mottmac.net.ua

Key Expert: Bertrand Apperry
Bertrand Apperry is a safety and security expert, specialised in international ship and port facilities security code (ISPS) and ISM international safety management (ISM) code with an experience of 14 years in ISM implementation in the maritime and offshore industry and 6 years in ISPS implementation on ships and in port facilities or ports. He is experienced in ISPS and ISM audit, consultancy, and also as ISPS and ISM instructor for international organisations and companies. He knows very well the safety and security requirements for passenger ferries and terminals, and MODUs or MOUs.
Bertrand’s experience includes 33 years of deep-sea navigation and international coastal navigation on all types of ships of which 18 with Brittany Ferries (all lines) as captain of freight and passenger ferries (in charge of applying the QS system and QS in-house auditor). Follow-up of the construction of the M/V Normandie (jumbo ferry) and Captain of this ship for five years.
email: bertrand.apperry@mottmac.net.ua

Key Expert: John Østergaard
John Østergaard is a Danish Master Mariner with experiences at sea on board different type of merchant ships, later, as officer of the Royal Danish Navy he did services at sea and on land. His Navy time was followed by 16 years services in the marine division of the EPA, Danish Ministry of the Environment, followed by 14 years as senior marine pollution adviser to the Marine Environment Division of the International Maritime Organization.
During his services with the Danish Government and IMO he provided technical assistance to countries all over the world. In particular, during his time with IMO he was responsible for IMO assistance to the Black Sea and Caspian Sea States in relation to protection of the marine environment, oil pollution preparedness, response and cooperation.
The international experts for the project implementation will be completed with non-key specialists. The national personnel will consist of five country coordinators (one per country), five specialists (lawyers) and other personnel as indicated in the attached table of proposed staff.
email: john.ostergaard@mottmac.net.ua