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The Turkish Party backs the TRACECA initiatives aimed at increasing the competitiveness of the Europe-the Caucasus-Asia corridor


Mr Erdem Direkler, NS TRACECA in Turkey told this on 2 July 2020 during the exchange of views on the current plans of activities of the Secretariat for 2020-2021 with Mr Asset Assavbayev, Secretary General of the PS IGC TRACECA held via web-conferencing.

Cargo containerization is one of the priority stimulus for increasing the traffic along the ITC TRACECA. The SG gave specific examples of various tariff rates on the transportation of one container in the TRACECA countries. Approval of single through tariffs in the TRACECA countries, solution of problem issues within the corridor routes, including along the railway Baku-Tbilisi-Kars will make it possible to    increase considerably container traffic along the TRACECA corridor.    

The issues of TRACECA geographical extension, cargo containerization, introduction of a “single window” concept, traffic safety, tariff policy issues, harmonization of conditions on simplification of border crossing procedures – all these problem issues need joint cooperation, and Turkey is willing to provide assistance in this dimension.     

The Turkish Party supports the aspirations of the PS to the extension and interaction with the European Commission. Mr Direkler noted that the time, when the EC experience was very useful for the TRACECA countries and the TA projects and educational programmes were implemented in various fields, had much importance for the TRACECA region. Mr Direkler also emphasized the necessity to apply to the European Commission to resume technical assistance projects. On its part, the Turkish Party will make every effort to promote prospective ideas, projects and initiatives for the ITC TRACECA development.       

The Secretary General informed that within the framework of the first meeting via web-conferencing with the representatives of the EC institutions, the PS proposed four (4) TA projects for consideration. The dialogue with the EC on supporting the TRACECA initiatives continues, the results will be informed additionally.   
The issue of increasing an annual quota of TRACECA permits from 200 to 1000 pieces had a special emphasis during the discussion. The Turkish Party suggested as a decision the accession of new countries to the TRACECA permit system, which will automatically help to increase the number of the quotas. At the same time, Turkey will apply to competent agencies to revise their position.     

Besides, within the framework of the videoconference Mr. E. Direkler and Mr A. Assavbayev discussed the issues concerning the standpoint of the Turkish Party on the STP Agreement. The transition of the documents into the electronic format is a stimulus for further development of traffic.   

The participants of the videoconference exchanged the information on amendments and additions to the Statute of the Permanent Secretariat and the Rules of Procedure of the IGC TRACECA.




Permanent Secretaritat of the IGC TRACECA